What is going on in these hard times?

I have decided to watch what is going on in these hard times. I have decided to add this blog to share what I see with anyone interested. So give it a read and see what you think.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Politics as ussual!

So here we are in a recession that seems to refuse to break. People are out of work, losing their homes, losing their cars, watching their kids go to bed hungry.
Meanwhile the two political parties that are in a race to lead our "prosperous" country spend more than the gross national product of most third world countries for a year, in the span of a month.
And the truley amazing thing is that according to latest reports, more that 65% of the voters have already made up their mind who they will vote for. In my humble opinion, neither party deserves to be President of the United States. I do not believe either party has the best interest of the common citizen at heart. One side wants to screw us sideways and the other wants to screw us straight up.

No I do not think I can do a better job. Nor do I claim to know of a better system in the world. All i do know is what is going on does not work. It is BROKEN! And until we recognize that as a nation things will not get better.

I think that the common citizen expects too much from the Government. Natural disasters happen, its life. How in the hell is the Government responsible because you had piss poor planning when you built your house on a flood plain, or in a heavily wooded area in a fire prone area? Why is it the Governments fault that you are not employed? There are jobs open everywhere, Don't believe me??? Ask the Mexicans that are still pouring over our boarders to work and send our money out of country.
They are having no problems finding work. Well no, of course those jobs don't pay two hundred thousand a year... But they do pay! But then sitting on unemployment is much less effort while you whine, right?

You ask why big business is going overseas? Well that would be because the people overseas did not get fat and lazy during the boom era. They want to work, they are what this great Nation used to be... Hungry for success! Americans want their Government to fix everything. I actually heard a lady the other day say. "I wonder when the damn Government will realize we have a really bad draught, and do something about it..." Really??? What the hell is the Government going to do???

If you step back and take a hard look at things today, and think about your Grandparents hard work and inventiveness to get through the hard times. I think you would have to be truley embarrassed! They didn't blame the Government for anything, they rolled up their sleeves and kicked ass to insure a better life. The last couple generations have simply been amebas soaking up the past spoils, and now they sit in their little bubbles and have no earthly idea how to fix their own problems!