What is going on in these hard times?

I have decided to watch what is going on in these hard times. I have decided to add this blog to share what I see with anyone interested. So give it a read and see what you think.

Monday, July 9, 2012

It's the Governments fault

The complaint stands... "The Government has not fixed the economy.." So in my mind that begs the question, what exactly could the Government do to fix YOUR economic issues? Is the President of the United States directly responsible because you have laid down on your couch and decided to wait for the "Government" to fix the fact that you don't have a job?
When are the people of this country going to remember that the Government was designed to work for the people? That does not mean to find you a means for support cause you looked on Craigslist and didn't see anything you liked. As Americans it is each of our responsibility as citizens to be the best that we can be and not to attempt to live off of the mass majority that are working for a living. The occupy movement was a prime example of people that were upset because " The Rcih Corporations" were getting all the money and little old me,  wasn't getting paid to stand around with a sign and smoke dope and pee in the public park. The ongoing arguement is that corporations are not people... Well if that is true then exactly how did the corporations form in the first place? Could it have been one hard working citizen who built a business and then added other hard working citizens to build a bigger business until it was big enough to support a whole bunch of hard working citizens? Or do you ignorant pot heads think that the government held a meeting of a bunch of special elitists and said " here is some money, go ahead and open a really big company and pay yourself allot of undeserved money so we can screw those guys in the park who are smoking pot and peeing on everything".
I think its sad that in these times which are obviously hard, that Americans cannot take responsibility for their own failings. Why did the economy crash in the first place? Greed! Not only corporate America, but each individual who was riding the bubble on credit. If you are holding credit cards with a larger balance than one month of your salary, you are part of the problem. If you bought a house that you knew was going to be outside of your means at any given time but decided that it can't happen to you, then you are part of the problem. If you lost your job and spent more than a year looking for the perfect job, instead of taking one or even two meanial jobs in order to survive, you are part of the problem. There is no excuse, there is no finger pointing. Many people have made it through this recession just fine, many started new businesses in the middle of this recession and made money. Many people got ahead during the worst recession in history, why, because the knew it was up to them to succeed. They recognized that in America, Land of the Free, it is not the Governments responsibility to support them. Because they have a certain pride in the fact that they din't need or want a hand out.
The one thing true about losers, is that they will always be losers. Pick anyone of the people complaining that the Government isn't doing enough for them and their needs, hand that person ten thousand dollars and tell them to go succeed. I gaurantee that same person will be back in less than thirty days complaining that the Government of some other entity caused them to spend all that money and they now need more. I guess its true what they say "You can't fix Stupid!"

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