What is going on in these hard times?

I have decided to watch what is going on in these hard times. I have decided to add this blog to share what I see with anyone interested. So give it a read and see what you think.

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 2010 still waiting

In these hard times it occurs to me that, while I feel bad for myself as I am going through some very hard times. Perhaps things aren't as bad as they are for others. I don't have one single dime as my employer claims he wasn't able to pay me for work done for more than a couple months. But I have my family and I have my faith. Things can only get better right??? Right??? I say that as I look over my shoulder at a cold apartment with very little food left and a TV that decided all on its own to retire the other day. My truck was repossessed, but thanks to a friend and I do mean a true friend I got that back... for now. I look around and well what I do have is love from a wife and two wonderful girls who still think I'm their hero... Some hero, right?? I can't even afford the spandex that my big butt would need in order to take flight as a super hero... Maybe I could be... "Super Broke" yeah!!! Able to jump over a stack of bills in a single bound, able to scale an insurmountably tall stack of collection notices without even breaking a sweat! Ha Ha!! Whats left to do? Just laugh and try harder tomorrow. After all isn't it God who said we are due tests to examine our faith? Isn't it God who said he is not surprised by anything for he is all knowing? Perhaps if I pray hard enough he will let me in on the little secret and then we can all have a big old laugh about how the joke was on me.

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