What is going on in these hard times?

I have decided to watch what is going on in these hard times. I have decided to add this blog to share what I see with anyone interested. So give it a read and see what you think.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Money is Tight

Well i had an observation today! Money is obviously tight all over, so the Government, in there infinite wisdom has decided that cuts need to be made in the Education system. Thats right folks in the education system... So the school district that my daughter is part of has decided to cut teachers, support staff, and admin staff... But they have accounts overflowing with monies earmarked for schools they want to build??? First off, EDUCATION? Why not trim some of the fat from state and local governments? How many assistant assistants do they need? How many secretaries? Or lets review the fact that school districts run 45 passenger buses for three or four students... Know why?? Because they have to burn up their budget so they can apply for another fat budget next year. But the Feds say cut back, so they cut back on staff because thats easier than cutting back on the cool stuff like all those shiney buses running around half empty, and the cool Smart boards that the teachers don't have a clue how to use. The kids have to pay more and more for things that our tax dollars were supposed to pay. Teachers salaries are low, but have you ever wondered what the upper admin gets paid? So lets cut back on Teachers, lets see what over crowded classrooms will be like for our kids. Just as long as all those fancy high dollar cars over at the Administration building don't get replaced by common, average cars. Gotta keep up appearances right?

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